Queensland cuts charities red tape

ACNC-registered charities that conduct fundraising in Queensland are from now on required to report information about their fundraising activities only in their annual information statements. The ACNC will share the information with Queensland’s Office of Fair Trading, eliminating the need for charities to report to two government bodies.

Queensland incorporated associations that are also registered charities can now report once to the ACNC, also satisfying Queensland reporting obligations.

Acting ACNC commissioner Deborah Jenkins said the big step reduced the burden on charities.

Queensland Attorney-General and Minister for Fair Trading Shannon Fentiman said the reduction in duplicated reporting would save more than 5000 Queensland organisations precious time and money.

‘Incorporated associations, charities, and community-purpose organisations are a vital part of Queensland communities and our economy, and I’m pleased that so many will benefit from this reduction in regulatory obligations so they can focus on their core purpose of helping others’, Ms Fentiman said.