Reminder | Director Identification Number

If you are a Company Director and you haven’t yet applied for a director ID, your deadline to apply is 30 November 2022. The ATO has recently confirmed the obligation to obtain a director ID before the end of November also applies to anyone who was a Director on or before 31 October 2021, even if they have since resigned from their directorship and do not intend to be appointed to a Director role in the future.
Individuals who have been appointed as Company Directors since 31 October 2021, who don’t yet hold a director ID must obtain one as soon as possible. If you are an individual seeking to become a Director (e.g. in the case of setting up a new company) you must obtain the director ID prior to your appointment.

What is a director ID

A Director Identification Number (director ID) is a unique identifier that Company Directors will need to apply for once and will keep forever. Directors must apply for their director ID themselves because they will need to verify their identity. No one can apply for this on your behalf.

Who needs a director ID
You need a director ID if you’re an eligible officer of:

  • a company, a registered Australian body or a registered foreign company under the Corporations Act 2001 (Corporations Act)
  • an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporation registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (CATSI Act)

An eligible officer is a person who is appointed as:

  • a Director 
  • an alternate Director who is acting in that capacity

How to apply for a director ID

Individuals can apply online via the ABRS website providing they have setup myGovID prior to completing their application. For more information and steps on how to setup myGovID and apply for the director ID, visit
If you are unable to apply online, individuals can also apply over the phone by calling Australian Business Registry Services on 13 62 50. To apply by phone you will need:

  • an individual Australian tax file number (TFN) – providing your TFN is optional but it speeds up the process
  • your residential address as held by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO)
  • answers to 2 questions based on details we know about you
  • 2 Australian identity documents – one primary (such as Passport or Birth Certificate) and one secondary (Medicare card or Drivers licence).

Meeting your obligations

Your director ID obligations include: 

  • applying for a director ID within the relevant time frame for your situation
  • applying for a director ID when directed by the Registrar to do so
  • not applying for more than one director ID (unless directed by the Registrar to do so)
  • not misrepresenting your director ID to a Commonwealth body, company, registered Australian body or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporation
  • not being involved in a breach of the above director ID obligations

If you don’t meet your obligations:

  • there may be civil penalties up to $1.1 million or criminal penalties up to $13,200.
  • you may be issued with an infringement notice


If you have any questions in regards to the above, please contact your accountant at our office.